VV Edu Fall 2018 Semester 1 Sign Up!

I’m interested. Thanks!

Hi!! Sign me up!!! Im in!

I’m very interested sign me up please
thank you!

I’m interested. Thanks!

Totally interested in this!

Hey everyone!

I’ve made a new private group for the people who have asked to register for the course.

You should now have access to a category that includes a thread for introducing yourselves, please do so when you have a few free minutes!

(if you do not have access please let me know via a private message!)

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Definitely up for it :) thank you

I’m interested and want to join!

Interested too! Let me know about it please.

Thank you! Please sign me up :slight_smile:

yes please! count me in~
thanks David!

I’m interested. Thanks! :robot:

Awesome initiative! Sign me up! :)

This sounds great…I’m In!
Thank you for offering this :)

Good job! I want to partecipate!

Yes - me too! Please sign me up

Woo hoo!

First lesson will be online here later today!

In the meantime don’t forget to add a quick hello to this thread :slight_smile:

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What are the instructions to join?
Is it through zoom or anything like that?
What time (CET)?

Great question!

If you sign up, I will add you to a special group on the forums.

Since this course has people signed up from all over the world, we aren’t doing a real-time stream of the lessons; instead we will use the forums – Each Tuesday afternoon I will post a new thread with videos of the weekly lecture and demonstrations, along with a handout, a list of at home exercises to complete and other related resources.

The weekly thread will also serve as a place for asking questions and further discussion around topics from the lesson.

Hope that makes sense!

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I would love to join the class!