Apply effect/control across presets

Hello! Odd question - I have a museum install powered by VDMX that is fed by a webcam nested in a layer group with many many (75+) distortion effects presets that it cycles thru. Just add kids = fun

Is there a easy way to Apply/paste several effects to EVERY preset on a layer/group?
ADD (NOT replace) a favorited FX chain to an existing FX chain?

I could group again and apply there, but just trying to keep the overhead on this ancient machine to a minimum.

your thoughts!

ADDENDUM - where I said “ADD (NOT replace) a favorited FX chain to an existing FX chain?”

I figured that issue out immediately after Posting - it already does additively add the favorited chains to the Effects - Doh.

I really like that you can drag/drop chains from the Assets tab - uber cool and fast.

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jd, this is the same problem i ran into while creating my first show, like written in the thread: How to add fx chain to multiple presets?

until now, i have not found an easy solution. still have to save a fx chain as asset and apply to every preset :confused: