Vulkan driver for Apple Silicon

I don’t know how relevant this is to Vidvox’s shader development efforts on M1; but passing along these links as possibly “of interest”.

I’m personally not clear on where the line between Apple’s Metal API and Apple Silicon hardware is. The linux graphics drivers are presumably skipping Metal API, but IDK maybe the Vulkan source code is helpful in answering some hardware questions that may not be obvious from Apple’s documentation?

:volcano::volcano::cyclone::tornado:Yes, exactly, as we know all, volcanoes easily melt metal a way.:fist::partying_face::grin::volcano:

:person_raising_hand:Greetings from a nvidia user bennoH.:panda_face::hamster::hamster:

I love RTX-4090 & 3080 - :heart::green_heart::blue_heart: by a lover of movingMotion in RGB