VDMX5 1.0.2 now ready! (M/Intel)

An update for everyone 10.15+

If you are using 10.14 and older, you’ll want to use the legacy version fo VDMX b8.7.2.4

More details about VDMX versions in the wiki doc: https://docs.vidvox.net/vdmx_versions.html

VDMX5 1.0.2 list of changes:

  • Fixed a bug where windows from disconnected screens weren’t closing properly.
  • Fixes for a few infrequent crashes.
  • The default MIDI clock source PUB in the MIDI prefs was off by a couple pixels.
  • Changed text for “MIDI Slave” to “MIDI Clock In” in the clock plugin.



I’ve just installed this version on a mbp 2012 on Catalina.
the audio analysis is not working.
I checked in the OSX preferences to be that vdmx is allowed to access to microphone.
Is it a known issue ?

second question where can I download a compatible version of the ISF editor ?


Haven’t tested on Catalina. Feel free to send a bug report so we have it.

I would just roll back to an older / stable version of VDMX. The benefits of these newer versions are for OSX 13 & 14 users or people experiencing crashes on Apple Silicon Mac’s.

Catalina was released in 2019, so it is 5 years old at this point. It’s possible if we fix something for Catalina that it breaks something in Sonoma.

As the Catalina was supposed to be ok, I tested this version.
ok I’ll do this and tell you.

On the other hand do have a link for the ISF editor ? thx

the VDMX b8.7.2.4 version is working fine just had to create a new audio analysis to enable it.