VDMX5 1.0.0 now ready! (M1/Intel)

An update for everyone 10.15+

If you are using 10.14 and older, you’ll want to use the legacy version fo VDMX b8.7.2.4

More details about VDMX versions in the wiki doc: https://docs.vidvox.net/vdmx_versions.html

VDMX5 1.0.0 list of changes:

  • Updated universal binary versions of some of the bundled apps (except v002 plugins): batch exporter, the ISF Editor, and the OSCQuery helper.

Download: https://www.vidvox.net/download/VDMX5_1.0.0.dmg


(Version 1.0.0…? :exploding_head: VDMX is out of beta…? Congratulations…?)

What is the new HAP 7A codec available in the AVF Batch Exporter?

Wow @GMM you catch everything! :wink: Coming soon in VDMX6!


historic moment! congrats!

But will Rutt Etra ever work again :smiling_face_with_tear:

Welp, I’m having issues with the 1.0.0. build (and even the b9.9.2.3). At first I had issues with Vuo compositions freezing VDMX to a halt, but it ended up on crashing VDMX on start.

I have now reverted to b0., which seems to launch at least.

Could you send a bug report using the built in bug reporter? Go to the top “Help” menu > report bug. Please use v1.0.0 when reporting the bug (and not


Hi I’m new with this program, installed for the first time on MacBook Pro M1 Pro, but it doesn’t even open, the icon appears at the Botton and it crashes automatically. what is the solution?

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Ok, we just had the same happen on a second machine. Again after using 1.0.0., VDMX enters in loop crash, where there is no way to even open it. Unfortunatley can’t even access the report bug menu, beacause of that.

I have done complete deletion of VDMX on mine machine. I think I might still have the logs in the trashbin, but not sure what to share.

We are just sending one crash report on the other machine, unfortunatley we installed on it, but it VDMX also crashed a few times before we were able to fire it up.

I can try and share, just please direct me to what should I search for in the bin.

I should add that after returning back to b0. and installing 1.0.0. on mine machine, so far it works ok.

A new version is out to address a crash on launch.

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Ok, great! will report if moree issues occur.

In order to get a useful response you’ll need to specify which OS your Mac is using as well as the specific version of VDMX you attempted to use.

Big 1.0 congratulations team ! looking forward to trying this asap :) :birthday:

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We have been testing the 1.0.1. almost all day straight, with several relaunching of the app and it has been stable since! Thank you!

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Crazy VDMX5 out of beta, this is wild, whatever next :)

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