Using macOS sidecar and VDMX (for development while travel)?

Hello hello, has anyone successfully used Sidecar more than for a few minutes, and particularly, with VDMX? In the context of project development on the road, using an iPad as a portable secondary screen.

For the next few months I’ll be travelling a lot and developing VDMX projects, the iPad always comes with anyway for reading, I thought that using this iPad as a secondary screen would be sweet for displaying the VDMX output image. Then I could reference the output without having to adjust my projects with a large preview windows.

However after a few tests in the studio and now the first road trip, I find the whole thing super flaky… It hardly ever works for more than a few minutes, or it connects fine, and macOS and VDMX claims all is good, secondary display good to go, but then nothing actually appears on the screen. Just the desktop background.

Has anyone if you good experience with this? Either with VDMX or just for regular use? If everyone else has no problems it might be an issue with my system. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

“Everything just works” my *****

i use Yam Display. Sidecar is rubbish. It’s nuts that you should have to buy an app when Mac are supposed to have sorted it, but it works.


That’s exactly my use case and setup which works well for me. It’s better wired than wireless obvs. I’ve definitely used it with VDMX although not in anger. Not had issues with anything else I’ve thrown at it so far.

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