I used to use quartz composer as a way to handle 3D geometries with shaders controlled via vdmx but that doesn’t jive anymore. Are there any small programs or simple ways I can have similar geometry display with addressable controls and vdmx other than vuo or touch designer? Most of what I did was lightweight via quartz as far as gpu usage and that’s kind of what I’m looking for now.
Maybe supply a clear and simple example of how you integrated the dataflow, otherwise that’s a lot of domain space to provide a specific solution to, one that’s more than likely a waste of time for any potential knowledgeable responders. -Following-
I formally used quartz composer patches to address .obj files, wrapped in simple shaders with the needed outputs published so VDMX could pick up the parameters when selected in media bin. I could run Blender with OSC controls and syphon the output to VDMX or make a TD patch for geometry;
However id prefer something similar to how quartz worked both in flexibility and resource usage control.
I made an app with Unity3D running on an iPhone. Communication in both directions is done via OSX. The iPhone is then used as live input on a separate layer.
Not that lightweight …
Wicked not that lightweight… But much thanks for a solution. I got some unreal patches to try out that ill run on a pc and talk via OSC on the network, but again… lightweight is what im looking for. Maybe Godot. Maybe just suck it up in TD with limitations until I save enough to purchase.