Trouble with file inspector

Hi there,

I’m having trouble when I try to save attributes to files (specifically Vuo files).
I have a Vuo composition with different buttons, slider and so on that I have synced to buttons/sliders in VDMX. No matter what I try, every time I change file for the layer, and then switch back to the Vuo file, all the attributes gets reverted and disappeared.

Layer showing synced buttons/sliders.
Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 17.54.37

When I change file for the layer and then switch back to the Vuo file, all synced buttons/sliders are gone.
Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 17.56.37

Here no “source control” is visible and I have to click on another file and then back to see the “source control” settings.

Settings are reverted and all synced buttons/sliders are gone.

I have tried check/uncheck both the “revert layer settings on clip eject” and “remember attribute changes on layer” but can’t seem to figure this out.

I even re-synced everything in the file inspector/source control settings, but it still keep reverting back.

VDMX5 Version b0.
MacOS Sonoma Version 14.4.1 (23E224)

EDIT: Video showing the issue.

Do you have the same issue when you use the latest version of VDMX5? The version you are on is fairly old at this point:

I get an error message “Problem loading composition - There was a problem loading the composition name.vuo”

Do you have VDMX6 installed on the same machine?

Also, which version of Vuo did you use to make your composition?

Could you share you vuo composition with the forums?

I have a paid VDMX5, can I still use VDMX6?
I don’t have VDMX6 installed.

Vuo version 2.4.4

I tried VDMX5
1.0.14 - composition didn’t work
1.0.13 - composition didn’t work
1.0.2 - composition works, but same problem with file inspector.

Can you share your .vuo composition here so I can try it on my end?

Here is a vdmx comp with the vuo comp.