Hi there,
I’m having trouble when I try to save attributes to files (specifically Vuo files).
I have a Vuo composition with different buttons, slider and so on that I have synced to buttons/sliders in VDMX. No matter what I try, every time I change file for the layer, and then switch back to the Vuo file, all the attributes gets reverted and disappeared.
Layer showing synced buttons/sliders.
When I change file for the layer and then switch back to the Vuo file, all synced buttons/sliders are gone.
Here no “source control” is visible and I have to click on another file and then back to see the “source control” settings.
Settings are reverted and all synced buttons/sliders are gone.
I have tried check/uncheck both the “revert layer settings on clip eject” and “remember attribute changes on layer” but can’t seem to figure this out.
I even re-synced everything in the file inspector/source control settings, but it still keep reverting back.
VDMX5 Version b0.
MacOS Sonoma Version 14.4.1 (23E224)
EDIT: Video showing the issue.