Timing: On Beat and On Measure don't do anything

With a bunch of media in a page, I expected on beat and on measure to behave like “next on movie end” and “random on…” but changing on every beat or every measure.

When I select it, I see a green box flashing with the appropriate increment but the media stays on the originally selected item.

Haven’t found anything yet with a detailed explanation using these. Is there a good tutorial that explains using these timing features?

You have to select which clip you want to load next. Either manually or using the random button [?]. Then it will select a random clip and play it only on beat/measure. Or you could use the previous [<] or next [>] clip button, and then it will play that accordingly. Something needs to trigger a clip. It depends on your setup and what you need. ‘On Beat’ and ‘On Measure’ are great for manual trigger and for you not to think about the beat.