There's photo or video can't be turned into a masterpiece!

My tip to those who are starting off here is that any video of yours that you may deem may not have any use for a vj set or visuals, is that anything can be repurposed into magic. A mundane car ride video can be turned into a magical flashing landscape. Sometimes if you throw 20 effects on it it can be repurposed into a whole new idea/feeling! I’ve turned concert footage of just a crowd walking by me into bodies flashing all over the screen


Good tip. This year at the Mapping Festival David and I turned a crash report into wild visuals during a VJ set! It’s all Jazz!


When I have a new group of students I always start with the question “What is a Visual?” and then remind them the PA system is God… no sound or vibration, no data to drive the visuals (in most situations that is :) Its a good place to start and to encourage them to explore instead of defaulting to the Kaleidoscope FX or Martin Garrix style stadium visuals. My favourite clip is a closeup of someone eating a raw lemon to see if I can get a subconscious reaction from the group.