In the media bin, I’ve loaded a bunch of different SVGs with transparent backgrounds.
None of them will display on the canvas. I’ve tried putting them on top of other layers, putting them under other layers, tried several compositing options, nothing looks to do it.
The image doesn’t show up in a preview plugin, but the (correct) thumbnail does show up in the media bin.
How can I use my pretty little vector images?
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, have you tried enlargejing them in the previews button
SVGs may work, but there’s no way to control the render size. This would be more of a feature request.
If you have V6+ you could load them into a TouchDesign .tox file or a .Vuo composition. Otherwise just export them as a PNG in whichever resolution you want them in.
Thank you!
Raster sounds like the way to go :/