Share a new ISf

:person_raising_hand:Hello visualists & co :film_strip:out there.
I have uploaded a new ISF-generator for you so that everyone can DL that b&w-truchet for VDMX, SMODE, MadMapper, CoGe, or else what works with the Isf-format.
I have converted it from a shadertoy to an ISF and equipped it :control_knobs::level_slider: with some interesting and funny inputs & it is even commercially usable under a CCO license, so also at big events etc…
Something in black and white for once, so don’t forget to play around with luminance filters, or us it as mask and by the A-chanel:

:pray::medal_sports: - :dizzy::sparkles::star::star2::star2:
Special thanks go to Mårten Rånge aka “mrange” for the shadertoyoriginal code and his generous CCO license for it.

So have fun and except for one other time
your bennoH.:panda_face: from Switzerland/Europe

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Maybe think about starting a single thread that you post these links to rather than creating a new thread every time.

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Thank you very much Jim Knopf aka mr. “Destroythings”. I will think about holding back on publishing on and accordingly here in the future. All of this takes a lot of time, especially creating the ISFs, and I can use that time for other things. I wanted to please the community here and not bother them.
Have good times for the future.
Regards bennoH.