Hi Everyone !
I’m looking to someone who can create for me an shaders for a track I did (Akira’s OST Tribute : 21 minutes)
Please help me it’s really important
I have the idea of what I want but no time to do it and not the knowledge too.
DM for more info
So one suggestion would be to check out some of these sites, and perhaps you can find someone who created something similar that you could contact about making a special version for yourself. Alternatively you may find some examples that are open source which might be good starting points for a GLSL coder that you work with.
That one was a pretty easy adaptation to get working in VDMX; had to make a minor tweak or two to add in alpha channel support (the original just made the alpha 1.0 everywhere).
It’d be cool to add some more controls for eg the color, size and rate of the blob, cool shader!
Btw I found the rate and size
But for color … I know it’s somewhere inside this part but …
mat2 mm2(in float a){float c = cos(a), s = sin(a);return mat2(c,-s,s,c);}
float noise( in float x ){return IMG_PIXEL(iChannel0, vec2(x*.01,1.),0.0).x;}
float hash( float n ){return fract(sin(n)*43758.5453);}
//iq’s ubiquitous 3d noise
float noise(in vec3 p)
vec3 ip = floor§;
vec3 f = fract§;
f = ff(spherediv-spheredivv*f);