I was wondering if I could get more clarification on how the normalised time from layers works. This is mostly for VDMX 5 (but similar behaviour can be found in VDMX 6 Plus).
I was searching for workarounds of one layer’s clip end triggering an event in another layer and one way was to sync the two layers over normalised time. Meaning that once one clip in Layer 1 would end so will the clip in Layer 2 end. Having both media bins trigger with random/next on movie end should load new clips in both layers. Unfortunately, this proves to be very unreliable and some clips just won’t transfer that information over normalised time to Layer 2. The clip in Layer 1 will change the clip while the clip in Layer 2 will loop.
To solve this I have used a control surface with a slider tied to the normalised time of layer 1 and then used that slider to trigger the random/next button in media bin 2. This presents issues as long as the threshold is set to 1, the same issue occurs as above. Setting the threshold to 0,99 works.
I have tried using both mp4 clips and clips encoded into HAP, but the problem presents itself in both versions.
I would like to understand why some clips work fine while others don’t.
Furthermore, I’d like to suggest adding a feature to let events in one clip/layer trigger other events. I was surprised there is no good way for the end of a clip to trigger any sort of event or send it over OSC.