NDI output not showing up in

Hi! I am trying to output video via NDI into GrandMA3 onPC running on same machine.

I have been able to get VDMX to output NDI that I can see in NDI tools. I can see NDI tools output in GMA3. VDMX NDI output shows up in NDI tools. But I can’t get NDI from VDMX to show up in GMA3. It sees is as a source but it’s just a blank, low-res square with a very faint white line across the bottom.

I have been able to get Resolume to spit out NDI that the GMA3 will pick up. I’m stumped. Anyone have a miracle suggestion? Is it something to do with HDR?


What version of VDMX5 are you running? Are you sending RGB or alpha, or anywhere in between?

I’m guessing you are running NDI/VDMX on a mac and sending NDI over network to the Windows Machine? Are you running Resolume on the Mac as well, or on the same Windows PC?

Do you have any luck linking with NDISyphon NDISyphon | VIDVOX Documentation

You should be able to send within VDMX directly, but this might help to troubleshoot.

Hi, I just tested this on a single M1 Max machine with the latest VDMX version.

NDI Testpattern to GMA3 - works, no issues
Madmapper NDI to GMA3 - works, no issues
VUO NDi to GMA3 - works, no issues
VDMX NDI to GMA3 - getting an image but also frame drops
the video speed seems to speed up and slow down, like network packages are being held up and then arriving all at once… Very strange as I have no active network connection for this test. No wifi no ethernet. NDI can only be transmitted locally on in this case. Strange…

For a temporary solution you could make a Vuo Patch, just NDI in, rename it and NDI out…
Or pipe it through an instance of Madmapper or resolume… I know not a great solution but it should get you working again for now. Or to optimise for performance a bit more: go syphon to Vuo/MM/Resolume and then NDI out. That’s one less NDI stream in total.

a bit unrelated but still strange:
I noticed the gma_app logo in the “Force Quit Applications” dialog sometimes changes to a VDMX logo when both apps are opened at the same time. Surely nothing to worry about but I thought I share this as I noticed it during this test.

Hi hi, thanks for your replies!

I am running VDMX 1.0.13 and GMA3 on a 2021 M1 Pro, both on the same machine.

I have tried running with and without alpha and/or RGB to no avail.

Your suggestion worked RE: Syphon; Vdmx > Syphon > NDISyphon > NDI > GMA3 onPC is currently working, but only at maybe 5 fps. Shows up smooth in NDISyphon, just not in GMA3.

Any ideas? I suppose I ought to try and run VDMX NDI over a network instead of on the same machine?

Does anyone know which version of NDI the GMA3 is running?