Layer Opacity Slider Issue

I’ve been experiencing a problem where a Layer Opacity slider will suddenly stop working. The slider becomes stuck at zero, can’t be moved manually, and can’t be assigned to a data source. I’ve got 3 layers going, with the opacity of each mapped to a MIDI controller. It works for a while, but breaks, I think, when I interact with the Workspace Preset’s tab.

I can fix the problem temporarily by deleting the layer, and rebuilding it from scratch, but that is getting old and is untenable for live performance.

I suppose I may be doing something that unintentionally conflicts with that fader, but I can’t think of what it might be.

Bug? Anyone else having this problem?

  • MacBook Pro M3
  • Sequoia 15.0.1
  • VDMX6 1.0.5 (this update didn’t fix the problem)
  • Ableton Live 11 Standard (11.3.35)
  • A.Live sending MIDI through the IAC bus - clock, notes, continuous controllers, but not a ton of traffic.

Is there any way you can recreate it and do a screen capture. Also, can you try Protokol and see if one of the sliders on your midi controller gets “stuck” and keeps sending 0 values into VDMX?

Is it always the same slider or are each of the three sliders getting stuck at separate times?


I’ve figured out what the symptom actually is, but can’t recreate the cause. The problem is not that the sliders get “stuck” or “blocked”, but that the Min/Max Envelope gets reduced to zero for some reason. I was randomly poking at one of the “stuck” sliders and by chance grabbed one of the black range handles (hidden, because the slider area outside the envelope is black too).

How or why the Min/Max Envelope gets closed is still a mystery, but I have the sense that it happens when updating or saving a Workspace Preset. I’ll keep an eye out for when it happens again, but it isn’t predictable enough to recreate it… yet.

Meanwhile, here’s a screenshot of my set-up, in case it is helpful.

More info about the set-up: midi controllers (cc 85, 86, 87) are mapped to the opacity sliders on layers 1, 2, and 3. The data is coming from Ableton Live via an IAC bus. LIve and VDMX are running on the same computer. I have MIDI Monitor open all the time and there is no errant/unexpected midi.

Interesting. It looks like something is changing the min/max values on your slider. Can you see if anything is mapped to that or a if a preset is triggering that?

Also, send in a bug report Top Help menu > Report Bug

I no longer think this is a bug. At this point I’m pretty sure it is user error, as embarrassing as that is to admit. After continuing to develop the project, I’ve accidentally grabbed the “max” handle a couple of times and yanked it down to zero to restore the initial setting before saving. But now that I’m keyed into it, I’ve corrected it on the spot.

If I discover something different, I’ll post it here. Case closed, for now…


I recently had a similar issue when I had the midi control set to “pickup” in settings, so I had to switch it back to “off”. alternately I also recently had an issue where my opacity would periodically glitch to max value when the opacity was supposed to be at 0. using the akai midimix

Let us know if you can reproduce this. The original poster of this chalked it up as a user error. Not a reproducible bug.