I’m getting this error for all ShaderToy URLs
MacBookPro14,3; Intel Core i7; 2.9 GHz; 16 GB; Radeon Pro 560; 4096 MB;
macOS 10.13.6 (17G13035)
I also discovered a bug when converting shaders from GLSLSandbox, the ISF Editor will crash if the word “uniforms” appears in comments of shaders which declare built in uniform variables in the code. Compare :
Hello there, I am also bamboozled, confused and flummoxed.
There doesn’t seem to be any way to use the download/convert shader toy/GLSL function.
The editor wants to save the output files to a library directory but can’t because of obvious permissions issues, but I cannot see any place where I can change that output directory.
ok, I have managed to fix the permissions issue by going into users/me/library and changing the permissions and also adding library and graphics folders
(although I must say it really seems sub-optimal to have an output path that can’t be changed and that insists on writing into a normally protected folder)
I can now get shaders from Shadertoy in, but there are errors - I am aware that there are some other posts on potential issues with Shadertoy.
Some programmers put a lot of hours into writing shaders to share on ShaderToy, it’s important to give them credit and pay attention the license information in their code.
Some shaders do not translate to ISF 1 to 1. They either won’t work, or will require debugging in the code. It’s a good way to learn how to write you own shaders (by looking at the code and modifying it).
If you find a shader you like and can’t make it work, you can always reach out to the original creator of the shader and offer to pay them to create and ISF version. If you’re lucky, maybe they will help you for free.