ISF animation logic help

Trying to port an old quartz composition to ISF, but I’m a bit rusty when it comes to textual programming. Very simple comp that just cyclicly animates the alpha of a png logo. Exponential fade-in, holds it for x_amount of seconds, exponential fade-out, then repeats after y_amount of minutes. I found the ‘Set Alpha.fs’ demo in ISFEditor, but am having trouble remembering how to do the animation aspect. I think a forLoop is in order here? I miss Quartz Composer waaaaaaaaaaaaah! :)

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ISF gives you a TIME variable, you can set the alpha of the output color based on it. See Introduction to the ISF Quick Start | ISF Documentation

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Out of curiousity, did you try asking ChatGPT to help you write this ISF shader? It’s my quick tip for most people trying to jump into ISF shaders.

More info in the documentation linked here: Dispatch from Mapping Festival 2024 — VDMX - MAC VJ SOFTWARE

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Yes, great tip, I saw that it could work, and please don’t get me wrong but thanks to ChatGPT’s shaderciding we will be able to move away use from all CC and other licenses and move more freely in the shader universe. Every shader, whether shadertoy or ISF, could just as well have come from ChatGPT or another AI as from the alleged original coder. IQ, Kali & Co have certainly done some great preparatory work but ChatGPT takes a quick look to them works by lefthand and hey presto produces an even better output. End of the licensing discussions that only make us unfree.
In any case, everything that can be stolen in the programming environment is stolen and this has been the case for decades, so someone should prove me I’m wrong. I know shader repositories that are published under MIT on gitHub and if you look at the individual shader codes, most are for real CC marked as not commercially usable, and well-known companies are doing such essentially unauthorized license upgrades!!

Yes, do it with ChatGPT, that’s the solution and by the way, great blog post that you mentioned, thanks to VIDVOX for that, the mapping festival is always worth a visit!!!

Greetings bennoH. from far Switzerland