Introducing VDMX6 and VDMX6 Plus

Yes of course I have.
I have also sent two bug reports for 1.0 and 1.0.1 and I have postet here about the issue. The Issue is still there, making working with Vdmx and Vuo quite unusable.

Every time you trigger a Vuo Comp from the Mediabin, the workspace editor disappears.
That doesn’t happen with any other media type.

Have you tried to reproduce this behaviour on your end?

@PXL Yes, I can only reproduce this when “Run Vuo files in separate processes?” is unchecked. If I do that, then the UI inspectors disappear. If I enable it, then they don’t disappear.

Can you get a video screen capture of this happening and showing the preferences so I can share with the dev team? I also believe you sent a bug report without an email attached (so there’s no way to follow up with you, fyi).

Happens on my end with both settings…

Sorry, I´ve got no free time on my end to make videos to prove that a bug actually exists.
Two separate written bug reports + a forum entry should be enough for the dev team to take a look. And you already said you could reproduce the issue in 1.0.1.

I intentionally send the bug reports without a reply email, so nobody would follow up with me.
I am simply reporting a bug that needs fixing. No follow up needed on my end. I´ll read in the release notes when the bug is fixed.

Two things:

  1. I am only able to reproduce it when that box is unchecked. It works fine otherwise.
  2. You are the only one who has reported this issue out of many users running VDMX6 Plus.

So either it is a bug, or it is isolated to your machine. The more you communicate (like leave an email address for follow up), the more likely it is to be solved. So if you’d like to troubleshoot your issue, then it will take time and communication on both ends.


I disagree. Only being able to reproduce “when that box is unchecked” still means there is an issue.
Saying “it works fine” when there actually is a reproducible issue… is super frustrating.

Does it matter how many people file a bug report?
A bug is a bug. Does Vidvox ignore bug reports until enough people reported an issue?

If I really need to somehow convince people on a first level support level that there actually is a bug, I will probably not contribute to any bug finding again.
A written bug report should always be enough for someone to take a look.
I take no issue in things taking time to be fixed… but suggesting these are isolated issues or that it “works fine otherwise”, or “you are the only one who reported this” feels very frustrating, especially since you already said that you could reproduce the issue in certain cases.

Hey there,

A few notes here:

  • We look into all bug reports, but the development team puts a much higher priority on addressing ‘show stopper’ problems and getting those fixes out the door. This is standard triage for software development. I’m sorry Ray and I haven’t gotten around to looking into your particular issue yet but berating our customer support guy when we’re still less than three weeks out from our biggest overhaul to the app in over a decade isn’t going to get you any extra attention. Does it matter how many people reported a problem? When we have a list of a dozen problems of varying degrees of urgency and difficulty to investigate and fix, yes, it does.

  • I have lost count of the number of times where there was some subtle difference between the setup on an end-users machine that differed from our own, and it took a bunch of back and forth to get to the bottom of an issue. Beyond basic triage, knowing if a problem is effecting a single user vs multiple users vs all users can actually be a very big clue for us when looking into certain issues (is it specific to certain hardware, a certain OS install, an extremely outdated 3rd party plug-in for an audio interface the user had installed? we’ve seen it all).

  • Aside from being able to follow up with any further questions, including an email address with a bug report makes it possible for us send pre-release builds to people. Generally we try to follow up with folks to confirm that their issues are fixed before we share any new updates with the general public.


just wanted to send a quick message to thank you for the VDMX6 upgrade. i’ve been nervous about what the deprecation of openGL would mean for VDMX for a while, and it’s great to see there is now a future here with metal. i performed a show with VDMX6 last night with less than five hours of testing. for something this fresh i expected to have some problems, but i had effectively no issues. and several issues that i wrestled with before, like video sources dropping off, not showing up in the live sources menu, etc. are all fixed. it’s great to know all the time i’ve invested in this platform will still pay off moving forwards. keep it up!