I want to synchronize the video speed with the BPM of the CLOCK

I want to synchronize the video speed with the BPM of the CLOCK.

-Suppose the BPM of the video to be prepared is 120.
-TAP in CLOCK to set BPM to 135
-TAP to automatically change the video speed from 120 to 135

Can this be done with VDMX?

Yes everything you need to know is mentioned here. Making use of the clock plugin to get things in sync


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" “Q” toggle enables and disables rate quantization. When active the playback rate of the movie at 1x will be stretched or compressed to match the number of measures specified relative to the currently selected clock. If the BPM of the clock changes, the speed of the movie will change by the same percentage."

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Thanks for answering my first question.
Is it possible to embed the “M” value in the video?
(Does it reset each time I load it?)


Open the workspace inspector and go to the files tab select the files you want to store the settings to and enable “Quantized Pllayback”, “Quantized Clock”,“Duration In Measures”

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