Hi there! Quick question for you layer experts.
I’ve done a few live VJ sets, busking with VDMX6 and an APC40. So far so good. Everything works great. However, I’m running into a problem that probably has a really simple solution, but I’m just not seeing how to go about it.
In short, I use a 2 channel mixer plugin tied to the crossfader of the APC40 to mix between an underlay layer and overlay layer. And I have 5 buttons on the APC40 that I use to change blend modes between things like multiply, dodge, addition etc.
The problem is sometimes a blend mode looks terrible and I’d like to preview it before it’s shown on the main screen.
I’ve gone through some iterations of layers, preview windows, and the like, and I haven’t yet found a way to preview, say a permanent 50% mix of underlay/overlay layers, that I can view on the computer screen before actually doing a crossfade on the main display.
I’m about to try using Syphon to route stuff around and see if I can get something going, but before I did thought I’d ask the crew here.