GLSL composition modes not installing properly

I followed the tutorial here:

The .fs composition modes are working in the example project, as presets, but nowhere else. They aren’t showing up in the composition mode dropdown in the example projects.

Did the folder for .fs files change? Do I need to manually edit the VDMXCompModes file? How? I’m out of ideas.

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 11.09.47 AM

When VDMX6 launches it converts all of your existing .fs shaders into Metal. If you have some custom composition modes, in the correct /Application Support/VDMX folder, then VDMX6 will attempt to convert them. Some .fs are not compatible with Metal, and if so, they will be red, or won’t work.

That tutorial is from 2013 and is still valid if using VDMX5.

Are you attempting to write your own composition modes in Metal for VDMX6?

If you want to learn more about the switch to metal and depreciation of GLSL by Apple, you can check out some posts like this: Apple Deprecates OpenGL Across All OSes; Urges Developers to use Metal

I’m determining which of my existing stash of composition shaders - which currently work in MMV - will work in VDMX6 right now.
I started by following instructions from the manufacturer (vidvox) using examples provided by the manufacturer (that blog post). It didn’t work. Apparently the software didn’t recognize them. Are there examples I can use that might work? Is there a debugging process I can follow?

That blog post is 11 years old. VDMX6 was released last week…

If there’s something specific you are trying to pass through, I would email support at vidvox and send over the GLSL shader you are trying to convert to Metal.

(FWIW, you can still find Windows 95 tutorials floating around on the internet, some are relevant even with Windows 11, but most don’t apply).

Sure thing! Thank you.

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