I have a little issue when going fullscreen with vdmx5:
When in System Settings -> Mission Controll I check “Monitors use different Spaces” (what I want to use)
VDMX allways goes fullscreen on Display 0 (Laptop Display), whatever i check in VDMX´s Fullscreen options (Display 0 or Display 1).
Everything works fine, when “Monitors use different Spaces” is unchecked in the System preferences.
But then on my external display desktops are swiping too, when I do the 4-finger swipe, which isn´t really preferable
My Idea is to have two Desktops on my Laptop Screen and only one on the Fullscreen external Display, so the main output doesn´t change when I swipe the desktops on my Laptop display…
Sad to say: with Resolume it works fine, also MadMapper…
I hope I discribed it understandeble… my english in technical Problems…
I believe so…
Anyway, this method takes away the benefits of having multiple desktops, as vdmx is on every desktop now… :-(
But not a high priority thing so far… ;-)