Freeframe fx dont showing

Hi there, i installed VDMX in my macpro for some videofx processing and its not showing the freeframe fx, i tried different folders, no succes, is strange i have the same configuration in my laptop working…

some same experiences?


Hey Miguel!

FreeFrame should still work in VDMX – here is a tutorial that walks through how to install them,

but if you are having any issues, please use the ‘Report Bug’ option in the Help menu and let us know specifically what plugins you are trying to use.

Same issue here. Will send bug report.

Same issue here, in 2024… MacBook Pro M2 running Ventura 13.6.6, VDMX version b0., I had to create the folder /Library/Graphics/FreeFrame Plug-Ins because it did not exist, and I placed several 64-bit FFGL 1.5 plugins in the folder…

Generator type plugins show up under built-in sources but FX type FFGL plugins do not show up in the FX menu. I have given VDMX full-disk access.

Is there a fix for this?

Yes, the /Library/Graphics/FreeFrame folder does not exist by default unless you install FreeFrame plugins yourself or have resolume installed on your machine. Also note that ~/Library and /Library are two different locations on your machine. One local (to your username) and the other system wide.

If you also notice from that post, FreeFrame has largely been abandoned except for the Resolume community where they continue to update the spec for their environment.

The last update was 1 year ago. It’s possible they are moving to their FX being generated in Wire in the future: