Feat req: Organize LUTs in folders

It would be great if we could be allowed to organize LUTs in nested folders and not just a flat structure.

I have a lot of LUTs, for some projects a handful, for some projects many, for some projects many variations of each of these, and I have a lot of projects, they are constantly in development and need to keep versions and sometimes reference or retract to earlier versions. Then comes in addition a general collection of LUTs for research and development, from different downloaded sources etc.


That would make sense. I have a huge collection for post production (not used LUTs in VDMX yet), many have multiple versions for exposure compensation or white balance adjustment so I know how much of a pain that would be to have in a flat folder structure.


Hi, VDMX Newb here; loving it; just getting to grips with making my own workspace and controller.

I was hoping I could use an alias of the Main folder that holds my folders of LUTS too but I guess it still doesn’t work.

This would be really handy.
Plus using an alias would be nice instead of being redundant by having to make copies of hundreds of megs of LUTS when we could use a reference.

Please implement this :pray:t4:


“Three is a crowd”… :wink:

VDMX team, listen to the LUT mob accumulating outside the windows!

It is time for a revoLUTion!!! :raising_hand_man:t2::placard::raising_hand_woman::placard::raising_hand_man:t2::placard:


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nice lol

Something to ‘Look Up’ To :stuck_out_tongue:

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