Do Math steps

Hi, has there been any thoughts on adding steps to Do Math so that we could have multiple functions in single (hold on end) of loop mode. There could be a delay command between functions and a delimiter to separate the strings. For example:

delay = [xxx] milliseconds OR data source [/Clock 1/MeasurePosition]
delimiter = ,

$VAL/2[120], $VAL!!/2[90], $VAL*8[/Clock 1/MeasurePosition]

Just an idea.


Hey Michael,

We’ve talked about making a sort of ‘do math’ plugin for situations that go behind the basic usage… I’m not sure if we’d get into doing something as far as delays, but let’s chat over email about some of the possibilities and use cases you had in mind.

for complex automation you could try using the Step Sequencer or Cue List to trigger a series of local presets with various number FX