DMX testing / mapping helper apps

Here are some useful DMX tools for setting up and testing mapping. Plug in a midi controller on the machine originating the DMX, run ArtnetView on the VDMX machine receiving the DMX for a visual of the mapping, signal and history.

MidiArtNet (timed demo mode, licence €24.99)

ArtNetView (free)

ArtnetRecorder (licence €45.00)

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Thanks for sharing these. Are you working on something in particular, or working with a specific DMX interface?

I’m using the apps to prep a headless installation for a date when I’m double booked :) Generally I’m working live with midi control but on this occasion will interface with an Avolites desk via Art-net or will use an Enttec ODE Mk3 (ethernet to DMX) as a bridge connected to a Hackintosh media server running VDMX. It’s pretty simple to map basic controls for media bins and simple FX triggering.

David did a basic tutorial on this a few years ago the, difference is that the DMX command going in the opposite direction:

Sending DMX From a VDMX Color Picker, October 18, 2014

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