Custom Touchdesigner FX not appearing (+ Polish for loading with old version)

I have Touchdesigner commercial (2022.28040).

The example .toxes seem to work, except for the error that comes up about being an incorrect version. It works fine if you press cancel, might be good for this to say “Ignore” instead though.

That’s not my main problem though, I’m trying to use a custom tox but it isn’t showing at all: (2.3 KB)
First, I just added it as it was initially, with random in1 and out3 ops. Then I thought that maybe they had to be named inputImage and outputImage, then I tried adding the resolution parameter, then I tried making the resolution parameter the first one. None worked.

I think it would be helpful at the least to have some specific information about what tox structure is required. Even a quick video would be handy :slight_smile:
In the docs, it mentions a “Touchdesigner Image Filter Protocol”, but I can’t find anything on the internet referencing that:

Even better, if the problem is indeed my tox not being in the correct structure, it would be nice if VDMX would interpret it anyway.
For example, if I have a tox with an image input and image output, I imagine its safe to assume what it does, and for it to just use the default resolution settings.

Excited to test this out for a show in a month if I can get over this hump


Did you try updating TouchDesigner, you are using the 2022 version, and they are currently on the 2023 version.

I’m waiting for POPs to release before I buy an updated license.
In the meantime, I did some testing to figure out when it fails:

In a simpler Source test, I found that removing the renderSize parameter made if fail to render, even if the renderSize wasn’t actually setting the resolution or anything.
An example with one working and one not, where the only change is adding the renderSize parameter, is attached: (76.4 KB)

But my monoToHsv tox is still not working, even though it has the same renderSize parameter and it’s saved with the same version that is working with the other ones.
I’m using a GLSL TOP inside my .tox, could that be something to do with it?

To the best of my knowledge VDMX needs the renderSize parameter in the .tox file to work, the same is true for a label outputImage so that it can run the TD project correctly. Once a .tox is in VDMX then you can adjust the render size with VDMX’s settings and have the TD scale correctly.

{Tom wrote the following: Thanks Tom!}

The Parameter COMP with its default settings captures the parameters of the parent component - you will have to add the required parameters to your component. If you are working in the default project you get when you open TouchDesigner then the default component is called project1. Navigate up a level (the U key is the easiest way, or use the address bar immediately above the network) and right-click on project1 > Customize Component… and add the required parameters (there are other ways to add parameters too but this is the simplest).

Alternatively, drag one of the VDMX examples in to your project and start adapting it – that way you will have the required parameters and inputs/outputs set up for you, and you can add your own custom parameters to that.

Note that once you have things the way you want them, you will be loading a component and not a project file into TouchEngine – right-click on the component (eg project1) in the network and then Save Component tox… - or you can drag the component from the network window into a Finder window.

Thanks for the detailed response.

I was hoping that VDMX could integrate with my existing collection of toxes, but it looks like I’ll have to make custom versions of them for VDMX.

Right now, for everything to play well, the communication has to go both ways. But now that there is the possibility of TD x VDMX, it will be great to see how many community shared .tox appear online!

:) Share touchdesignerFX, TouchdesignerSources & TouchDesignerTextSources

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