Copy OSC setting from one machine to another

A small group is working on a project using VDMX and we regurarly share a file between us, the project relies on several OSC and MIDI inputs and outputs and will in the end be deployed on a rental machine, which we won’t have access before installation time.

I was wondering if there is an easy way to copy OSC settings from one machine to another. Detecting all the OSC inputs and ouptuts, renaming them, choosing the right ports is going to be quite a chore. And a lot of double checking will need to happen for use to validate everything works.

Other than it being saved in the project, you might have an easier time using something like Osculator and saving something that you can easily change the mapping for any machine.

Or you could try Python OSC python-osc · PyPI and write a simple script that can automate everything, or your redirects.

Thanks will look into it. Python probably would solve the issue, unfortunatley I have no experience with it and in 14days I won’t be able to learn it.

I hoped there was a simpler way and I was just oblivious to it.

Just an idea; have you thought about using Migration Assistant and cloning your dev system to the rental system?

Here is one possible strategy with instant undo:

-Get an SSD drive, connect to rental system
-Install the macOS of your dev system to this SSD
-Boot the rental system to this macOS on this SSD
-Migrate the dev system to the rental system SSD

This takes a few hours, but most of it runs unsupervised (just have to wait). And it has an instant “undo”, if for some reason this process fails or doesn’t work as you wish, you can simply boot the rental system to its internal macOS, and get going with the grunt work of setting everything up manually. (But if it works, you can then return the rental system after the show as it was with zero effort)

Note - I haven’t actually DONE this whole process myself, but I’ve installed macOS’es on external SSDs for development purposes, and I’ve used Migration Assistant a great many times to clone systems. If I were in your shoes I’d do this production like this.

(A third option is to clone your dev system to the SSD and then boot the rental directly from that, but that is over a decade since I did something like that so don’t know if it still works, but you could look into it)

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@GMM that is some out of the box thinking. I guess this could work, but then I would want to have an empty machine on which to develop the whole installation that I then migrate to another machine. I wouldn’t feel comfortable migrating my own personal machine and leave it in a gallery for a month. And this solution does resolve the deployment issue.

But there is still an issue of the development of the project which is problematic. We work on this as a team, meaning that we need to share files and changes between group members, we are an internetional collective working between Slovenia, Finland and India, so no physical thing can be shared easily.

If I had the time and knowledge I would happily develop a tool to manage OSC connections, it would also probably help when you need multiple programs and devices communicate over the protocol.

Personally though would be very happy if VDMX had a more robust OSC managment tool built in.

@ProjectileObjects I have looked into the Osculator and unfortunatley they are shutting down operations by the end of the year.

UPDATE 2025: we have ended up doing all of the OSC routings manually. Not the easiest solutions. I’m thinking for the future to maybe just build a VUO patch that handles all OSC routing in and out and have then a single system to be setup with optional triggers so that VDMX easily detects all of the OSC signals.

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