Continous effect?

hi all. when using any effect and using a data source like lfo cosine, is it possible to be able to have something be continuous instead of go from 0.0 to 1 and back or vice versa?

i want to be able to not have it just bounce between the two and want it to keep flowing

Try ramp. at end of list after LFO ( cosine, sine, waveform, RAMP)


thank you so much. have a great day

how do you edit the speed?

LFO and Clock both have speed controls. Within LFO window adjust “Rate” for speed control of LFO. Under Menu “Plugin” you’ll see “Clock 1” tap the /2 and *2 to halve or double the speed. You’ll see the BPM # change. The LFO by default is using the clock speed to control Rate. So Clock controls LFO Rate, and Rate can also be separately adjusted. This way your clock can adjust many other controls (eg LFO or Step Sequencer) simultaneously with one click or you can control each control individually.