Beamer Laser Abstract Generative

Hello, I am using a video projector as a laser in a performance. I have been experimenting with different animations from motion and Isf’s and projecting them into haze. I recently encountered a slew of laser light show software and I was wondering if anybody had any familiarity or opinion about these programs. Is one better than the other. Modulaser is the most expensive at 95 euros. I think that both offer syphon output. Thank you!!

Maxwell, Modulaser, beamerlasershow (ipad)

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This is cool. I didn’t know about Modulaser. I know a lot of people who use Pangolin QuickShow and Pangolin BEYOND.

Madmapper now has a laser Module, but if it is for a projector, I’ve usually made designs in After Effects in the past, and exported those for laser shows. Simple line and shape movements.

There’s also:

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Yeah, I think making designs myself is the way for now. As far as I can tell, (in macOS space) Maxwell laser synth(made in MAX/MSP) and Modulaser offer multiple oscillators and modulation tools for generative visuals. But neither seem as if they are actively developed. I will have to check the Madmapper module, but that is a bigger investment overall. Peace and Thank you