Another Bug - some h.264 clips upside down

Some (not all) h.264 clips playing back upside down. The icons are correct in the media bin, no fx/geometry changes involved. b8.8.8.0, M1max 16" MBP, Monterey 12.3
FOLLOW UP - very mysterious. Also occasionally sideways.
Exporting a clip the displays this way to eg ProRes LT STILL results in upside down playback. Changing export resolution, stretching to fit a particular aspect - still upside down. There are clips with identical specs where one is fine, the other is upside down. Seems to be no rhyme of reason to it. I’ve never seen this before.

Exporting to h.264 in an MP4 container via handbrake (which means a second lossy encoding, and still h.264 which is not great for live video) fixes it. I’d say this has to be something outside of VDMX, except that this is the only software I have that is playing these files back upside down. I have noticed these are from clips from 2013 and earlier, and many were shot on an iPhone - but some from the same batch are just fine in VDMX.
It’s also not just M1. It’s happening in the .10 intel version running in rosetta as well.

Can you share your project file and H.264 file? If you use H.264 you need to make sure there’s a keyframe or every frame, otherwise your computer will have to interpolate the missing frame which can boggle down almost any computer.

Sorry, just seeing this - the project is gone but I can create a simple one using a few of the same clips and share tomorrow.
The issue wasn’t anything to do with the computer bogging down though I usually convert h.264 to ProRes LT or HAP to avoid that possibility. In this case even after conversion to ProRes the clips remained upside down on playback in VDMX, while others (whether h.264 or ProRes) did not.
Where do I share the file? Email it to support?

Dropbox,, or you can upload it directly here if it’s not to big.