Advanced Fullscreen Options doesn't seem to work properly

I’m not sure if we ran into a bug with VDMX6 or if there are some very strange things going on with resized videos and the Advanced Fullscreen Options.

We are getting this kind of thing happening whenever we use resized versions of the clips. We have tried multiple programs to resize the video, AVF batch converter, Handbreak and a few others, the result is always the same. The picture will be smeared for some bizarre reason.

I have played with the values of the source video and have been able to get one video to be somehow displayed properly as seen here:

But it doesn’t make sense to me to change the source coordinates to some random value so that the video can be rendered in its entirety. The value that one would need to input for the video for it to render properly seems to be completely arbitrary and it’s impossible to find it just by luck. The thing is the same project, the same CSV file and the same video render just fine in VDMX5.

Is anyone else having problems with this and has found a workaround?

A few things. I would go to the built in help menu > report bug. And also share your VDMX project and the advanced output CSV file here so others can take a look. It looks like you have your output set to stretch, assuming it is stretching the input?

I’m curious how you are feeding the outputs and what the configuration of your layers / canvas is.


Can you play around with it and check if it’s just the Source Height that’s going haywire. For me, it is that.

Ok, finally had some time to send a bug report for this. Adding here the project and CSV as well; the project is attached to the bug report.

25 screen (201.8 KB)