About FreeFrame

Nice to meet you everyone, my name is Rick!!

I have a question
I had a hard time using Free Frame, so I created a graphic folder, a FreeFramePlug-Ins folder, and put the .bundle file in it.
However, it is not reflected in VDMX.

It always says No FreeFrame Source Installed.

If anyone can understand it, I would be grateful if you could let me know.

Sorry for the poor English!

Hello Rick,

To the best of my knowledge VDMX looks for plugins in the following locations: /Library/Graphics/FreeFrame Plug-Ins/. But you’ll need to make sure your FF plugins are 64bit if running on 10.15 or newer. More can be found here:


I having some issues seeing my FreeFrame Plugins… once they are on the right folder I can see up to a max of 5 inside VDMX… I can only see the next one if I remove one from the FreeFrame Plugin folder. Does any one know if by any chance there is any limitation on the number of FreeFrame Plugins VDMX is able to use?

I just looked in my folder, there is currently 7 effects (FFGL) so I don’t have a limit of 5 at least ;)

VDMX, macOS 14.1.1

Thanks for the reply, I’ll keep exploring why that may be… the type of file are .bundle - are yours the same?

Yes, they are .bundle files, that I created by Vuo.

I just remembered something from having a problem with this earlier, and tried it now - yes, there is a problem with title/name/filename length of these effects. If the effect name is over 16 chars (or thereabouts), the effect might not appear, and/or, if multiple effects have the same first 16 characters in their name, only the first will appear - this might explain your problem? Check if any of your filenames are longer than 16 characters and try to give all effects less than 16 chars (or try maybe 12 because I don’t know the exact limit)?

So if I have three effects named like this…

GMM VuoGIF 230522 Bayer02x02.bundle
GMM VuoGIF 230522 Bayer04x04.bundle
GMM VuoGIF 230522 Bayer16x16.bundle

…only the FIRST of these three will appear in VDMX, truncated at 15-16 chars. The other two won’t appear.

Buf if I rename them to shorter names…

VuoGIF Bayer02x02.bundle
VuoGIF Bayer04x04.bundle
VuoGIF Bayer16x16.bundle

…now they all three appear in VDMX!

Note that I have to rename the effects in Vuo BEFORE exporting them. It is not enough to rename the bundle, it is some kind of internal name in the effect. Might be possible to hack that inside the .bundle, I don’t know, was just faster for me to rename the vuo effect and export it.

Hope this helps

Thanks so much. Very helpful… I’m also creating them with Vou. I think one of the issues may be that I do the renaming once exported… I’ll look into that. Thanks again!