Hi nice that U are intrestet for that. ISF is at the End of its greatest days,. Shderconcepts like SPIR-V wil be next generation and in the gaming industry it’s starting that forms last days & going that way under vulkan. Bud miast realtimevideo apps are not convertet to vulkan not yet, it’s coming soon. So we stay under openGL and so so mutch peaple do not realise how great stuf it 's ISF or shadertoy. Shadertoy are more in direction gaming and so some things are diffeend by coding. That diffrends and a lot mor like a profesionel tutorial and mo… U find by vidvox on the isf.video platform.
I’m not a programmer, so I’ve come up with a trick to convert Shadertoys to ISFs and create the essential “INPUTS”. Without it make’s no sens for us as VJs and so. It’s based on just testing out intuitive and a bit of chance, but over time you notice where you can influence witch things. And som shadertoycoders like “evvvil” make a lot of comments in the codes so you can see what is the rigt place to do a input for that or this. & I’m currently only creating “floats”, which makes sense because you can address a lot of things with this type. So here’s my tutorial in this sense:
So u like to go from Shadertoys to ISFs for realtimeVideoApps do this:
After import & compiling Shadertoys by use the free “desktop ISF-Editorto” from VIDVOX (ISF) ad Input’s for realtime video programms like Resolume Arena oder VIDVOX’s VDMX5, by a easy trick:
- Go haffe a look in the JsonBlup in the Codestart & ad just after according to what is written “INPUT”: [
1.) press “Enter” for a new line
2.) ad this:
“DEFAULT”: 0.40,
“MAX”: 1.00,
“MIN”: -1.00,
“NAME”: “yourjoice”,
“TYPE”: “float”
3.) go in the ISF code lookout intuitive for a number and check in the pictureoutput (viewer) what hapens if you changes this a bit. As a example:
changes the “.4” to “.6” or “-.4”
& if u see this givs a intressting change in the picturoutput so you’ve found what you’re looking for (a intresting option for realtime operation in your performance) and can replace the number with the input name above in normal brackets, which then looks like this:
The Input-Name is up to you bud mast be in lowercase letters.
The MIN & MAX defined the fader range in your realtime programm & the DEFAULT is best to teak the original number witch you wad replace, in the example .4 what is 0.40 the 0. is often not to se in the shadercodes just the “.” so you know its 0.40.
All of that works just for “flots” but not just onenumbers too for numbers with a “.” and so mutch as you like numbers behind of it.
If you like to build more Inputs for more options (Faders) in your realtimevideo App just coppy moore of “2.)” and replace it with other names for the next number, and so, and so.
So i hope i was helpful, have god codings and see you, bennoH.
ISF Desktop-Editor (free of charch) :
VIDVOX-ISF Doc / Adding Inputs to ISFs:
Detailed Doc of the ISF J Son Blob and moore:

But don’t be too worried about what’s new, at the moment build ISFs with inputs, the ISF format has already been involved in the Vulkan specifications, so that backwards compatibility and thus the usability under Vulkan for ISFs will be guaranteed. This is not least because Vulkan in itself is just a new version of openGL, however with basic adjustments and innovations, of ouer truh and beloved OpenGL!!