Share touchdesignerFX, TouchdesignerSources & TouchDesignerTextSources

Here is another example of TDIO, an 8-bit filter, ready to install in the “TouchDesignerFX” folder.Gn8Bits FX.


Where can I find the TouchDesignerSources folder?
Thank you.

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go to:
vdmx6/settings/User Paths… show in finder button.


You can also get there quickly from the Help menu!

Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 10.00.39 AM

We have more tutorials for TD + VDMX in the works, but you can find some initial notes for getting started in the documentation here:


Sharing Ryo’s post here for a multi preview:

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is there some video or tutorial somewhere ( I cannot find anything on youtube or anywhere else) explaining how to prepare the Touch designer comps for the VDMX?
I know the drill with Vuo files (converting it to Image generator, publishing width& height, etc.) but I am a complete beginner in TD.

I have seen in the compositions provided by @gnomalab (thanks for those) that something similar is happening…1920x1080 width, height and the rest of the parameters published.
How can I achieve that? Than I just connect the Output image? And the whole thing , right click on the window - Save Component .tox?

Thank you, any help is appreciated! Also, anyone using both-Vuo and TD, do you consider any of these two going smoother (less delay when shooting the clip at the live shows)?
With vuo comps, small and simple as can be, I always have some short delay.


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Hi, I have a small promise to make some short tutorials about this, but these last few months I have had a lot of exhausting work that has not left me time to continue researching the subject. I need a little time to be able to do it properly and calmly. Everything will come.


Hello @id_mora -

This video of elektronaut, shows how to ‘publish’ parameters in TD…
Custom Components & Parameters – TouchDesigner Tips, Tricks and FAQs 8

(I’ve been enjoying the TouchDesigner beginner series )

That Custom Components video shows the details, but the rough steps are:

Here’s an example edit of an example TD FX patch*, with added parameters…
(*found via - VDMX > Help > Open Assets folder > Touch Designer FX) (25.1 KB)

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Excellent Conversation

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Hi @jeanpoole

thanks so much for your help…I got the parameters published and connected but still can’t figure out where to bind the Rendersize one?

I the first picture Im ‘inside the composition’ but wouldn’t know to which node bind the copied Rendersize parameter. When I go ‘out’ and try to bind it to the main window, the Rendersize comes up in ‘0’ in red.
Sorry, I’m complete beginner in TD, so I’m just guessing. Would you know where to paste it?

If you start from the example, the reference is already made in blind mode (purple color) you just have to add your customized parameters. If it appears in red, it is because it has lost that reference.

I just uploaded a basic tutorial on how to publish TD posts to be viewed on VDMX6. I went fast, I was hungry! :-)
By the way, it’s in Spanish. I hope you can follow it.
TDIO publicar entradas TD para VDMX6


gracias, ahora lo miro :-) porque sigo sin aclararme

:sweat_smile: Disfruta tu comida!

CHATGPT video summary:

  • (00:00) Introduction: A brief explanation of how to create effects or generators in VDMX using Toys Designer.
  • (00:40) A new patch is opened in Toys Designer, and an image input is selected as the base for the effect.
  • (01:29) A levels operator is added to apply an effect, such as inverting colors or adjusting the black level.
  • (02:14) Customizing parameters: The “custom” tab is used to add modifiable parameters, such as inversion, brightness, and contrast.
  • (02:52) The desired values are dragged directly into the parameters section to be published in VDMX.
  • (03:35) The modified effect is exported as a .puntOx file instead of a project file.
  • (04:17) The exported file is placed in the effects folder within the VDMX asset directory.
  • (05:24) The effect appears in VDMX with the published parameters, making it fully functional and customizable.
  • Conclusion: More complex effects can be created, but this is the simplest way to publish effect parameters. The tutorial ends with the creator going to eat.
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I’m recreating the EchoTrace effect if anyone is interested. And if anyone know how to affect the time of the Feedback node would be great tip in development.

Maybe this tutorial will help you as a starting point.

@gnomalab I have gone through all those tutorials; thank you anyway. That is a manual way of doing feedback. TD has a node Feedback, but I don’t seem to find any parameters to change its behaviour.

Hi again,

I have managed to customize and publish the parameter but still struggling with the Render size ones, its to say, I dont know how to 'connect/relate the Parametr node to the Comp node.

In the Comp node I go to Common tab, switch from Use input to Custom resolution and then drag the Parameter node over to Resolution field but it comes up in red with no Rendersize published.
I can see the in the provided example tox. in vdmx it always says:

Even when I write this manually and then load the saved .tox file into vdmx I still get the message: the project doesn’t have the requiredinputs and outputs. Would anybode know how to proceed?

Thanks for any help!

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Hello - the feedback node by itself doesn’t do anything - you have to make it part of a feedback loop for an effect to happen. And then you play with parameters of other nodes (eg blur, transform scale or rotation etc) placed inside that loop, to effect your imagery.
This tutorial explains it well.

“Feedback loops are amazing yet always seem elusive for TouchDesigner artists. How do we make them? How do we control them? How did adding a single random operator create this amazing effect? Unless you understand the fundamental way feedback loops work in TouchDesigner, you’ll always be guessing. Lucky for us, Elburz dives into the mindset and essence of feedback loops in TouchDesigner and how to unlock your full creativity with them.”